And Trump came close to turning the U.S. into an Authoritarian government if you will with one partyxrule and a poison pen (Executive orders) that acted w/o conscious, compassion, or fairness. And his own party stood by and let it happen. while Supremists and right wing racist militias were given free reign, more or less, to as they please, police were given more power and home grown terrorists spread violence and fear. Oh the Republicans in both houses went home and grumbled to constituents about their hating Trump's tariffs and his threats against China that companies and farmers depend on both imports and exports. Then they went back to Washington and did nothing. And there is a very good chance they will retake both houses of representatives. Then all they need is the presidency and Trump clones Josh Hawley from Missouri and the FL governor are gearing up for a run with Trump considering another run, as well. "Complacency?!!. That says it all.!"