I put a similar statement on Twitter. I was stationed in Grafenwoehr GY in the early 70's long before the end of the cold War or the fall of the wall in the mid 80's. I heard horror stories of WWII from town residents, was shown black and white photos of death and destruction. An uncle in TN should me open mass graves filled with skeletons and emaciated bodies of those who died in a concentration camp. I visited Birkenau, a concentration camp high in the mountains and near the Czech border where Jewish, Romanian (Gypsies), and even a few American soldiers and prisoners of war died. And I saw a Czech guard, stone faced and marching with a straight back back and forth along a wall with rolls of barbed wire at the edge, his rifle held against a shoulder ready to kill anyone who tried to get into or out of GY. Today it is a stark reminder of what could happen at any time anywhere. Freedom is a luxury that could be taken away if we choose complaceny in regards to Putin, Communist China, and other countries with huge armies. If Putin takes Ukraine the entire world loses.