When I worked for the local mental health association in a home and community based setting working with families our team met monthly with the Psychologist who headed the program would provide training or give us some nuggets of wisdom to think about. He was more concerned with the rising insults and cursing being interjected into every day language, even by adolescents than implied sex or violence on television. And that was in 2000 before I left to become and early childhood education consultant. Today I see my two grandsons 13 and 10 watching you tube videos where insulting others, being cruel, and then justifying it have become the norm. Other ‘vines’ take humor to a whole new level with non-stop foul language in every sentence accompanied by laughter as they do public and private comedic acts. Millions of adults do the same in their every day public lives and post it on Twitter, FB, and other social media sights then curse others in the private or government sector, like Conservatives and Liberal/Progressive Dems for the same. Surprise. . .surprise. . .just where do the adults think children have been learning it from for the past thirty years and continue to learn it from. I have come to clearly see why the therapist who headed the home and community based service and my boss was so concerned. There is something seriously wrong when we can’t/or won’t articulate our ideas and feelings, or teach others verbally in a manner that uses human decency, dignity, or offers truths in way that we actually learn something besides cruelty, bullying, and how to disrespect others as a way of life. I for one will not let my two grandsons on You Tube at my house and police what websites they go to. Society may, for the most part, no longer think kindness, compassion, allowing others to have a separate point of view, etc. but I can teach my grandchildren the importance of treating others with dignity and humanity. It’s time for the role models our children are taught to look up to like sports figures, politicians, parents and grandparents, entertainers, musicians, etc. to illustrate proper verbal communication skills that imparts both the positives and negatives with wisdom, dignity, and with respect for others.